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3/19/2025 4:40 PM
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A note from Ginger's new parents: "Ginger is so much fun! Her newest thing is chasing grasshoppers. She is so funny to watch!"


I adopted Tucker on June 4, 2005, right after I graduated college. I remember the day I adopted him, I was in tears (sobbing, really) at Petsmart because he had jumped out of the cart and was running wild around the store. It took a good 10 minutes to finally catch him. I remember thinking, oh my gosh, I never should have gotten a dog. Tucker has been my best friend ever since that day. He has helped me through three years of grad school and countless life events. He loves car rides, running around the backyard, squeaky toys, TREATS, snuggling with his humans, and reminding his humans of his meal times.
In January of 2010, I came home from work to find Tucker pulling himself around by his front legs. His back half/ legs were paralyzed. Of course we rushed to the emergency vet, who performed a laminectomy (I think?) on his slipped disc. The doctor did a great job because Tucker recovered in about 4-6 weeks. I slept on the floor with him for a month so he wouldn't try to get up/ move by himself at night. I wouldn't have it any other way.
In February of 2011, Tucker had another flare-up of back pain. We ended up getting Tucker the laser disc ablation procedure in Dallas. He was up and walking the next day and has had no back problems since that procedure (knock on wood). I was very impressed with the laser disc ablation and may consider it for our other dachshund, if needed.

In sum, I just wanted to say thank you for letting me adopt Tucker from your organization and to let you know that he is loved (he is my BABY).


"All I ever wanted was to be loved, my wish has finally come true! I love my new humans and they love me!"

Thank you for bringing Sammy to us; he is perfect in every way possible. He will never ever have a want or need for love, as he has our hearts and we have his. Forever!
Tina, Brittany & Dan


We have been so lucky to foster some great doxies through DLT over the past year but one stood out from the rest. We just couldn't let Klaus leave our home or hearts. He enjoys sharing his story of finding the right home with all the other fosters that come through the door. We couldn't ask for a better experience from fostering to adopting him. Klaus is our little clown, thank you DLT for bringing him into our life. Matt & Allison


These two beauties are Petunia & Candy. From their proud Mom written about Candy: "You guys know how much we love her, I've never met a sweeter dog. This girl doesn't have one bad bone in her body and has a personality the size of the moon. She loves her doggy siblings, Petunia the puppy mill doxie, and Coco our latest addition who is supposedly a "doxie" mix (which is a stretch, she looks like a terrier to me). But anywho, thank you DLT for giving us such a wonderful family member, definitely a Happy Tail!"

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P.O. Box 820984 •  Dallas, TX 75382  •  info [ at ]